Auto Injuries – Get In Touch Quickly!

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The National Highway Traffic Administration reports that car accidents happen every 60 seconds. Most Americans will experience an auto accident at some point in their life. Hopefully, they will be minor – regardless of how bad the accident is, taking care of your body should be a top priority. 

In today’s blog, I will share information on what you should do if you’ve been in a crash – and what will happen if you delay treatment. 

First, let’s set the scene. Once the accident happens, make sure that you are safe – that there is no further danger from traffic, that the cars are off the road as much as possible, and if anyone was injured seriously to call the police and ambulance.  The police will usually not come if there are no reported injuries. Exchange insurance information with the other driver(s). Take photos of license plates, insurance ID cards, and damage to both vehicles. 

If you are seriously injured, go to the hospital to get checked out, and then call Parkside for an appointment as early as possible for a thorough examination.

If the accident was just a fender-bender, you should still act. Many injuries from auto accidents take some time to manifest as pain. It may take as long as two weeks to feel the effects of your injuries. 

Even if you have been in a “minor” crash, damage to the spine and surrounding structures may have happened.  

Make an appointment to see a Parkside Clinic Chiropractor for a thorough history and evaluation as soon as possible. Many of the body’s healing processes begin to take place immediately, and it is essential that we begin to aid the healing process as soon as possible to reduce pain, improve function, and make sure that the body heals correctly, avoiding long term problems. 

Without treatment, many of the injuries sustained in an accident can lead to long term problems in the future, such as chronic pain, headaches, poor function, and reduced ranges of motion of the neck, back and extremities. Injuries to the spine that do not heal correctly can lead to early degeneration of spinal joints, further inhibiting function and quality of life.

At Parkside Clinic we perform a thorough history and examination, evaluating the severity of the injury and need for treatment. If needed, we can refer patients to a local radiologist for x-ray or MRI to document and form a comprehensive diagnosis.  

Treatment consists of gentle chiropractic manipulation, soft tissue massage, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, moist heat, therapeutic stretches, and eventually physical therapy to strengthen and fully recover from injury. We also offer acupuncture at Parkside Clinic to alleviate pain and encourage the healing process. 

Minor injuries can heal within six weeks, whereas more complicated injuries can take several months to over a year to reach pre-accident status or maximum medical improvement. These injuries take some time to heal properly. Consistency with treatment is the key to making a complete and thorough recovery.

It’s important to know that most car accidents result in soft tissue injuries to the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the body. The acute stage (up to six weeks) often results in pain; reduced ranges of motion of the neck, back, and any extremities that have been injured; and likely cause headaches and trouble with everyday activities.   Structurally, the body tissues have been stretched and torn to some degree, and this tissue damage results in pain, inflammation, and eventual scar tissue formation. Additionally, skeletal structures can be moved out of position, causing pain with movement, and reduced physical capacities. These issues can lead to long-term problems that become more difficult to treat as time passes.  

At Parkside we work with all the major insurance carriers and do all the billing for patients, eliminating often confusing and arduous insurance issues. We also work with a network at personal injury attorneys in Portland that help patients navigate the process if they so desire.  

If you’re in an accident, call us at 503-772-1215, we will help you get on the road to recovery.